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Beautiful Place in World || Kabba

Kabba, also spelled Ka'bah, The Kaaba, meaning cube in Arabic, is a square building elegantly draped in a silk and cotton is the holiest shrine in Islam, All Muslims aspire to undertake the hajj, or the annual pilgrimage, to the Kaaba once in their lives if they are able.

     Kaaba located the center of the Great Mosque in Mecca and considered by Muslims everywhere to be the most sacred spot on Earth. Muslims orient themselves towards this shrine during the five daily prayers, bury their dead facing its meridian, and cherish the ambition of visiting it on pilgrimage, or Hajj, in accord with the command set out in the Quran.
kabba ,Saudia Arabia
       Affiliation                              Islam                       

kabba ,Saudia Arabia

 Location                                         Saudia Arabia

              Geographic Coordinates

     21°25'21.0"N 39°49'34.2"E

     Max   13.1 (43 ft)

     Brief History

   The Quran contains several verses regarding the origin of the Kaaba. It states that the Kaaba was the First House of Worship and that it was built by Ibrahim and Ismail on Allah's instructions.
    Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for mankind was that at Makkah, full of blessing, and a guidance for mankind.
   Quran, Surah AL Imran (3), Ayah 96

    Behold! We gave the site, to Ibrahim, of the (Sacred) House, (saying): " Associate not anything (in worship) with Me, and sanctify My House for those who compass it round, or stand up, or bow, or prostrate themselves (therein in prayer).

   __Quran, Surah Al-Hajj(22), Ayah(26)

     And remember Ibrahim and Ismail raised this foundation of the House (With this prayer):'' Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us: For Thou art, the All-Hearing, the All-knowing.


The Qibla is the direction faced during prayer. It is the focal point for prayer. The direction faced during prayer is the direction of where the Kaaba is.

kabba ,Saudia Arabia

The Kaaba is the holiest site in Islam and is often called by names such as the House of God.

Black stone of Macca

Located in the eastern corner of the Kaaba is the Black Stone Mecca, whose now-broken people are surrounded by a ring of stone and held together by a heavy silver band.

   According to tradition, this stone was given to Hazrat Adam on his expulsion from paradise in order to obtain forgiveness of this seins . Legend has it that has stone was originally white but has become black by absorbing the sins of the countless thousands of pilgrims who have kissed and touched it.

kabba ,Saudia Arabia

The house of Allah SWT is the ultimate love of every Muslim. I can't explain my feelings about Kabba in words. Only tears can show our love and respect for the house of Allah SWT. Their people are always ready to help the pilgrims. I wish every Muslim should get the chance to visit Allah's home once in his or her life. Ameen.

If you want to learn more about kabba then click here 

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Beautiful Place in World || Kabba

Kabba, also spelled Ka'bah , The  Kaaba , meaning cube in Arabic, is a square building elegantly draped in a silk and cotton veil. it is...