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Top 5 Technologies Trend || Trending Technologies

In this article, I write about technology.

1.  Artificial Intelligence

 Artificial Intelligence has already received a lot of buzz in recent years, but it continues to be a trend to watch because its effects on how we live, work, and play are only in the early stages. In addition, other branches of AI have developed, including Machine Learning, which we will go into below. AI refers to computer systems built to mimic human intelligence and perform tasks such as recognition of images, speech or patterns, and decision making. AI can do these tasks faster and more accurately than humans.

   AI is one part of what we refer to broadly as automation, and automation is a hot topic because of potential job loss. Experts say automation will eliminate 73 million more jobs by 2030. However, automation is creating jobs as well as eliminating them, especially in the field of AI: Pundits predict that jobs in AI will number 23 million by 2020. Jobs will be created in development, programming, testing, support, and maintenance, to name a few. Artificial Intelligence architect is one such job. 
Artificial Intelligence

2.   Cyber Security

Cybersecurity might not seem like emerging technology, given that it has been around for a while, but it is evolving just as other technologies are. That's in part because threats are constantly new. The malevolent hackers who are trying to illegally access data are not going to give up any time soon, and they will continue to find ways to get through even the toughest security measures. It’s also in part because new technology is being adapted to enhance security. As long as we have hackers, we will have cybersecurity as an emerging technology because it will constantly evolve to defend against those hackers.

Many cybersecurity jobs pay six-figure incomes, and roles can range from the ethical hacker to security engineer to Chief Security Officer, offering a promising career path for someone who wants to get into and stick with this domain.
Cyber Security

3.   Robotic Process Automation ( RPA )

Like AI and Machine learning, Robotic Process Automation is another technology that is automating jobs.RPA is the use of software to automate the business processes such as interpreting applications, processing transactions, dealing with data, and even replying to emails. RPA automates repetitive tasks that people used to do. There are not just the menial tasks of aloe-paid workers up to 45 percent of the activities we do can be automated including the work of financial, manager, doctor, and CEOs.

Although Forrester Research estimates RPA automation will threaten the livelihood of 230 million or more knowledge workers or approximately 9 percent of the global workforce, RPA is also creating a new job while altering existing jobs.

Robotic Process Automation ( RPA )

4.   Internet Of Things ( IoT )

IoT essentially is connecting many devices and creating a virtual network where everything works seamlessly via a single monitoring center of sorts.

IoT is a giant network of connected devices – all of which gather and share data about how they are used and the environments in which they are operated. This includes everything from your: mobile phones, refrigerator, washing machines to almost everything that you can think of. With IoT, we can have smart cities with optimized:
traffic system, efficient waste management, and energy use

So, start thinking of some new excuse for coming late to the office other than traffic.
Internet Of Things ( IoT )

5.    BlockChain

Although most people think of blockchain technology in relation to cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, blockchain offers security that is useful in many other ways. In the simplest of terms, blockchain can be described as data you can only add to, not take away from or change. Hence the term “chain” because you’re making a chain of data. Not being able to change the previous blocks is what makes it so secure. In addition, blockchains are consensus-driven, so no one entity can take control of the data. With blockchain, you don’t need a trusted third-party to oversee or validate transactions.


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